Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 9th in the US. In El Salvador, Mother’s Day is always celebrated on May 10th, regardless of the day on which that date falls on. We have many mothers who are a part of our ministry, and we are thankful for each one who has chosen to be a part of “restoring lives.” We have a lot to celebrate. They provide a deep compassion and commitment for the work. However, there are three women who serve as housemothers in our three homes. They model a family atmosphere, along with their husband and biological children. They stretch their arms wide and their hearts big.
You see, when you choose to open yourself to the broken things of this world, you change.
We’ve sat in several interviews this year in search for houseparents. It never fails that one of our house moms will eventually lead the conversation to one as similar as this: “I understand your enthusiasm to ‘rescue hearts;’ however, there is something you need to know up front. This ministry changes you more than you can ever change anyone else.” And then a question is asked, “Are you prepared to work on all of your stuff?” There is always a pause, a reflection time.
Recently, Jason Johnson shared some of his thoughts on his blog regarding foster care and adoption. “We found you cannot hold abused innocence in your arms and not lose a sense of your own innocence because of it. You cannot hear stories of the deep fractures in other peoples lives and not see the cracks in your own, and understand that on some level we’re all the same – broken humans in need of redemption. You can never unsee what you’ve now seen or unknow what you now know or unhear what you’ve now heard or unfeel what you’ve now felt. These things are always a part of you. They become your story – your new normal. Everything changes.”
We are so very thankful for the moms who serve as house moms in our homes to be willing to begin this journey. They are, and we are “forever changed.”
And there is always the other side. The unfortunate circumstances and decisions that led to the brokenness that most often is rooted in generations of the same cycle. It is opening our hearts to cheer them on to renewed relationships. It is choosing to believe in a better tomorrow for all.
Please join us in lifting our house moms, all of the women we serve and all those who serve in the ministry in prayer. Happy Mother’s Day!