Seasons of change can be both exciting and stretching, and that is exactly where we find ourselves right now in La Casa. We have some of our adolescents turning 18 years old now, which means they no longer fall under protective care by the state. They have to leave the program, but they have an option to move into our transition program. And that is what the four have decided to do.

Months before they turn eighteen, they sit down with our transition home team of leaders and begin conversations about their hopes and dreams for their future. They have an opportunity to visit the Bridge, where those who opt to take part in the transition program live. If they decide that it might be an option they want to pursue, they begin weekend visits to experience life at the Bridge. By the time their eighteenth birthday rolls around, they have had many encounters with the program to make their decision.

This past weekend, Oscar, our first in a while to turn eighteen, moved into the Bridge. It was a big day for him. He had an interview with a local university for a possible scholarship that morning and moved into the home later in the day. However, he seems excited about new opportunities.

It will also be a season of change for those who are currently in the transition program. Most are well into their studies and starting to think about their next steps. Yet, they have been preparing to help new young adults step out into more independence. The staff is excited about the change and ask that we all pray for unity as additional young adults move into the program over the next few months.

May this new season of change be embraced by God’s mercy and grace. The children are growing up!