A new year brings with it the opportunity to partner with others, serving together for God’s glory. Mid January, we welcomed a small group of ladies from GlobalX Ministries. They came down with the purpose of helping us prepare for the new school year.
Their work began long before they arrived by gathering basic school supplies needed by each child. They packed a school supply box for each child and packed those boxes all into a suitcase. They were ready for their assigned task!
Once they arrived, they spent an afternoon in each home helping the children cover their workbooks with contact paper so that they lasted the entire school year. The openness and extreme weather here in El Salvador can rapidly deteriate paper and books, so covering the books helps to preserve their life.
In the mornings, they spent time learning about the ministry, life in El Salvador and the needs present. They toured the property learning about all of the different aspects of the ministry. They walked in the community and met some of our neighbors. They visited the small factory where our cacao gets turned into delicious chocolate bars. We had many conversations about culture and needs and why things are the way they are.
It is always a special surprise to see how team members have gifts, talents and education that is often needed just at that moment. One lady on the team was a nurse, and we were able to talk about some side effects of some medications that one of children were taking and the impact it could be playing into some behavioral issues. Another lady was a Occupational Therapist and was able to help us think through some sensory needs of some of the children. Another lady worked in the mission’s department of the church whom we had some very deep conversations about teams. Another had the gift of curiosity and encouragement. Everyone brought down the heart of service!
We are grateful for the way so many choose to come to serve with us and move the ministry forward. We are praying that everyone who visits this year leaves with a new perspective of how God is working around our globe!