Offering Hope Together
Last week, we welcomed five girls into our two girls’ homes. Each girl comes with their own story of trauma; each a bit apprehensive. The reason a child comes to live within La Casa is never pretty, never easy.
Investing for a Lifetime
As we look at “family” in the eyes of our houseparents, they serve as substitute families for the children under their care until the courts deem otherwise.
About the Very Beginnings of La Casa
This story begins in El Salvador on January 13th of 2001, just after a terrible 7.6 earthquake. Samaritan’s Purse sent relief effort, and that is how David Torres, his wife, and their two children came to El Salvador. . .
Ready, Set, Begin
Beginning a new school year for nineteen children isn’t easy. It takes a lot of people to organize all the purchases that need to be made. . .
Celebrating God’s Faithfulness
We at La Casa will be celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. Many people like to have a “word” for the year ahead. As we look back, there is one word that radiates as we remanence: “faithful.” Our God, who called us into His work, has been faithful to provide every single need, every single day. To Him be the glory!
End of the Year
We want to say THANK YOU for journeying with us throughout this past year!
Passing the Blessing Along
What a joy to see many we haven’t seen in over two years now. Lots of smiles were shared along with fun, games and gifts.
Celebrating Education!
School’s out! In El Salvador, the school year ends at the beginning of November. Our children took their last exams, grades were all turned in, and we celebrated last week. Our children participated in an end-of-the-year closing program, with two of our youngest “graduating,” ready to move on to first grade next year. Graduating from Preparatory is a big deal in El Salvador. Unfortunately, many children never attend another graduation, with a large percentage dropping out during their latter elementary years of schooling. But, we have the desire for children to be able to obtain their high school diploma and be able to attend higher education if they desire to do so. We are excited that Daniel and Maria will have that opportunity.
Grateful Hearts
Some days gratefulness comes easy. The weather is just perfect, there are no deadlines looming over us, there are no complaints being shouted and discouraging the heart, no temper tantrums, money enough to cover the bills, and even a yummy dinner planned.
A Very Different Year of Learning
It’s exam time! Not too many children get excited over the thought of exams and studying, except for the fact that it signals the end of another school year.