Very young children are especially vulnerable to traumatic experiences. They are yet learning how to respond to their environment, and trauma interferes with healthy development. Trauma causes their brains to stay in an alert mode that doesn’t allow the full brain to develop. Intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development can all be stunted. Behaviors that can be result include withdrawal, delayed speech, temper tantrums, sleep disturbances, bedwetting, clinginess, anger, phobias, and poor attention, among others.

Recently, we took in five young children under our care who have all suffered traumatic experiences in their lives. As a result, a safe and loving environment where they can feel at peace is so important. People around them who understand the effects of trauma is crucial.

Along with providing a safe and loving environment where their physical and emotional needs are met, the children are participating in classes three days a week which facilitate intentional developmental activities designed to encourage healthy brain development. Good news is that the brains of very young children are exceptionally pliable.

Take a peek at the activities the children are able to experience in the pictures below. And… Thank you to everyone who supports La Casa so that the children we serve can have opportunities to heal.