Learning is never just over and done with in life, is it? We are thankful for the many lessons we have learned over the years of caring for children and working back with their families who come from very hard places. We are also grateful for the mercy and grace God shows to each of us through the journey. He graciously turns our failures into opportunities to change, to be different, to lean hard into Him.
One area that we have learned a lot about is in the area of counseling. Our counselors are key to our program and the healing journey for both the children and their families. But not without pointing them to the true Healer, Jesus. All of our counseling sessions begin and end with prayer. Inviting Him into the session, the journey towards healing and direction.
Our counselors wear many “hats.” They work individually and in groups with the children, even pulling the families into sessions on family visitation days. They work to train and support our staff so that they can be healthy on the front lines of care. They complete all of the government paperwork that is required to keep our accreditation in the area of mental health.
We are indeed grateful for them, and thankful to those who come alongside and help to train and support them. We have a counselor in Atlanta, Georgia who gives time each week to mentor our counselors. We have a counselor from California who regularly trains, advises and directs. We have local mental healthcare professionals who help give guidance on some really difficult cases. It takes a village to keep us all healthy to be helping hands and feet.
Thank you to all of you who give generously and in turn allow us to have counselors on staff. Watch the slide show below and take a peek at our counselors in action!