It has been fourteen months since we have been able to host a team – – – life with COVID. However, we were able to receive a team from GlobalX Ministries out of Atlanta, GA this month. They came with hearts to serve, and serve they did.

Many on the team had experience with horses, so it was a perfect match to partner to help our equestrian program for the week. They had the program in their hearts even before coming as they collected much needed tack items along with a surprise of three saddles. While here, they made benches to go around the outside of the riding rink, planted trees to bring shade, replaced rotted wood on the swing set, built jumps as well as sanded and put a new coat of varnish on the fence around the riding rink. It was a very hot, sticky week weather wise, so a lot of love and sweat went into their work.

But above all of the hard work they poured into “doing,” they connected with the children in our homes. Volleyball, soccer, swinging, bubbles and frisbee play to daily shared lunch time, arm wrestling matches and mini Taekwondo lessons, the gap between language barriers seemed not so important. Play is a universal language.

On Friday, the team helped plan and facilitate activities for the children, staff and their team with the horses. Everyone was divided into teams and had a blast with relays and games, both on and off of the horses. . . while we all got to enjoy the new benches. Team Blue and Team Café tied for first place, but no one really cared as much about the winner as they did about having fun together. It was a perfect day to celebrate with popsicles afterwards.

This team left with new experiences to share with those back home about the work of La Casa and the beautiful people in this country. Thank you GlobalX for sending an amazing team to work alongside our equestrian program!