It’s exam time! Not too many children get excited over the thought of exams and studying, except for the fact that it signals the end of another school year. But we are so grateful to celebrating the end of our first year of on-site schooling.

Most of the time, children come to us with gaps in their learning due to multiple placements and difficult backgrounds. They are often behind in school according to their chronological age, and many struggle in the academic world.

After experiencing a difficult year of distant learning, we made the decision to hire teachers and provide an on-site school for the children we serve under the umbrella of an accredited local school. And we are so glad we did!

As a whole, most children in El Salvador have only attended in-person classes two days a week this school year, for three to five hours each day. At the most, children attended school in-person ten hours per week. Our children were blessed to have personalized instruction from 8:30AM until 3:30PM daily.

Because we were able to provide hands-on small group and individual instruction, many of the children have blossomed this year. Their confidence has soared! They are no longer shy about asking questions when they do not understand. We often see them racing to classes, with smiles on their faces. They have tasted success in an area of their lives that once proved so difficult.

This week, we wrap up the year with final tests. Please be praying for the children and their teachers. We are grateful for this opportunity and plan to continue next year. We appreciate each of you who have journeyed with us by praying and giving financially to make this endeavor such a gift to the children we serve.