Offering Hope Together

Everything has its season, and all in God’s timing. We’ve had a few spaces open in our homes for a while. Although we’ve been able to dig in deep with the children currently in our homes, we’ve always known that a new season of intakes would come. And it has. Last...

Investing for a Lifetime

Some have often asked, “If you could only use one word to describe the ministry, what would it be?” We have pondered that question often and have always come back to “FAMILY.” We care for children in a family setting, and we work back with the biological family when...

Celebrating Education!

School’s out! In El Salvador, the school year ends at the beginning of November. Our children took their last exams, grades were all turned in, and we celebrated last week. Our children participated in an end-of-the-year closing program, with two of our youngest...

Grateful Hearts

Some days gratefulness comes easy. The weather is just perfect, there are no deadlines looming over us, there are no complaints being shouted that are discouraging the heart, no temper tantrums, money enough to cover the bills, and even a yummy dinner planned. Life...