In Latin culture, turning fifteen years of age is a significant milestone in life.  There are many different traditions that have accumulated over the years, but usually there is a church service which is an expression of gratitude and joy for a daughter’s life followed by a festive celebration. In La Casa we have chosen to keep this cultural celebration of life and make it an intentional time to celebrate and encourage our young ladies to hold tight to their faith as they begin to make more and more independent choices in life.

 This past month, we were able to celebrate the lives of two of our adolescent girls and one of our adolescent boys. They each had turned fifteen over the past few months.

We have a lot of hand-me-downs passed around in La Casa, and for that we are grateful. But for this special day, our adolescents get to choose dress that is very special. Going shopping and wing able to purchase something that they choose is a big deal for these young people.

We began our celebration by worshipping God and celebrating His provision.

A message was shared encouraging the adolescents to hang tight to their faith in God as life’s difficulties come their way. The eagle does not run a hide when a storm approaches, but rather it locks its wings and flies right into a storm. The upward flowing air currents causes the eagle to be able to rise above the storm, flying higher and higher. As challenges arise, we can have the tendency to run and hide from them, but when we look to God and hold tight to Him, He’ll enable us to face those storms in His strength. 

A Bible was given to each adolescent as a reminder that God’s Word provides a guide for our lives.

We ended the service with each houseparent couple and the younger children in the home speaking gratitude and a blessing over each adolescent. This was by far the most sweetest moments of the day.

Afterwards, we celebrated by eating tacos, sharing cake and taking lots of photos. It was day shared by all of our staff and children celebrating three special lives.

We hope you enjoy viewing the photos as you get a glimpse into this special day. Happy “Quince” Rut, Daniela and Oscar! 

“but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31