CHANGED BECAUSE OF CHRIST Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 10th here in El Salvador, regardless of the day on which it falls. Therefore, last Friday was a day of seeing lots of flowers being sold on the side of the streets and families out with their mommas. A mother...
by mfh_com | Apr 30, 2024 | CHILDREN, FAMILY, HOME
OUR COUNSELORS Learning is never just over and done with in life, is it? We are thankful for the many lessons we have learned over the years of caring for children and working back with their families who come from very hard places. We are also grateful for the mercy...
by mfh_com | Apr 16, 2024 | CHILDREN, FAMILY, GOOD STORIES, HOME
THE HOPE OF FAMILY We can often become numb to the tragedy and hardness that the stories we hear contain. It can be easy to try to find processes, check lists and therapy techniques to keep us all going. But, there are times when you can’t numb. You just have to sit...
by mfh_com | Mar 26, 2024 | CHILDREN, GOOD STORIES, HOME
GETTING TO LOVE OTHERS “To love God and to love others.” Jesus summarized the commandments with these words. Sounds pretty simple. But when loving others is not so easy, it often takes reflection on how God loved us despite our messes. And by loving God with our whole...
by mfh_com | Mar 12, 2024 | CHILDREN, HOME, TRANSITION HOME
IT TAKES A VILLAGE The children run through the door as they return from afternoon classes — mind you eight of them. Some race to change clothes. Others want to crash on the sofa or chair just to disconnect a moment. Others want a snack — now! Homework and chores...