Servant Hearts

Servant Hearts

SERVANT HEARTS As our team season continued, we welcomed and partnered alongside Sunnybrook Community Church out of Sioux City, Iowa. They came with hearts to learn and work alongside us. Because our children are only in their fifth month of school, they don’t have...
The Hope of Family

The Hope of Family

THE HOPE OF FAMILY We can often become numb to the tragedy and hardness that the stories we hear contain. It can be easy to try to find processes, check lists and therapy techniques to keep us all going. But, there are times when you can’t numb. You just have to sit...
Getting to Love Others

Getting to Love Others

GETTING TO LOVE OTHERS “To love God and to love others.” Jesus summarized the commandments with these words. Sounds pretty simple. But when loving others is not so easy, it often takes reflection on how God loved us despite our messes. And by loving God with our whole...
A New Year of Learning Has Begun!

A New Year of Learning Has Begun!

January rings in a new year as well as a new school year for children in El Salvador. And we are excited to be beginning our fourth year of on-site schooling for the children we serve. We began this endeavor trusting that God would provide. And He has! Through your...