Strong Relationships
Last week, we were blessed to host a team of doctors, pharmacists, and students headed by MFHI board president, Dr. Aubrey Knight.
Therapeutic Riding
As we continue to reflect and give thanks for the many ways God has provided for La Casa over the past twenty years, we have to take a moment to talk our Therapeutic Riding Program.
In Celebration of Our 20th Anniversary!
Some words from our Executive director on our 20th anniversary of God’s faithfulness. To God be the glory.
A Beautiful Story
We at La Casa will be celebrating our 20th anniversary this year. . .
We Are Family
Keeping families connected is part of who we are. Modeling healthy family while the children are with us and reaching back into the brokenness to find healing and reconnection and reunification are all a part of the La Casa story.
Investing Into Lives
When you are giving to us you are investing into a life that hopefully will have a much better future and one that knows their heavenly Father. Thank you for believing in us.
The Miracle Farm
God is faithful. This statement is truth, and we, at La Casa, can look back and see God’s hand of faithfulness in every single moment. But in the moment, we can doubt. Why is it so true that in the very moment we don’t always trust and believe? We are so grateful for God’s patience and continueing to reach us that He is faithful . . . always.
Offering Hope Together
Last week, we welcomed five girls into our two girls’ homes. Each girl comes with their own story of trauma; each a bit apprehensive. The reason a child comes to live within La Casa is never pretty, never easy.
Investing for a Lifetime
As we look at “family” in the eyes of our houseparents, they serve as substitute families for the children under their care until the courts deem otherwise.
About the Very Beginnings of La Casa
This story begins in El Salvador on January 13th of 2001, just after a terrible 7.6 earthquake. Samaritan’s Purse sent relief effort, and that is how David Torres, his wife, and their two children came to El Salvador. . .