Helping Us to Get Ready for a New School Year

Helping Us to Get Ready for a New School Year

HELPING US TO GET READY FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR A new year brings with it the opportunity to partner with others, serving together for God’s glory. Mid January, we welcomed a small group of ladies from GlobalX Ministries. They came down with the purpose of helping us...
Seasons of Beauty and Ashes

Seasons of Beauty and Ashes

SEASONS OF BEAUTY AND ASHES God is always working to weave beauty out of the ashes, out of the hard. Looking at a tapestry from the backside looks messy. It’s not until the threads have all been woven together that one can turn the tapestry over and view the...
Celebrating Young Adulthood

Celebrating Young Adulthood

CELEBRATING YOUNG ADULTHOOD Two beautiful girls, wearing special dresses, made their way into the decorated pavillion area, each escorted by their housedads. It was a special day. Each year, we celebrate and honor those who have had fifteenth birthdays during the year...
Happy Independence Day El Salvador

Happy Independence Day El Salvador

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EL SALVADOR! Independence Day is always a day to celebrate cultural identity as well as the history of how independence was gained. Many of the Central American countries share the same Independence Day. On 15 September 1821, the five countries...
Early Childhood Stimulation

Early Childhood Stimulation

EARLY CHILDHOOD STIMULATION Very young children are especially vulnerable to traumatic experiences. They are yet learning how to respond to their environment, and trauma interferes with healthy development. Trauma causes their brains to stay in an alert mode that...
A Big Impact 

A Big Impact 

A BIG IMPACT We ended July in a wonderful way partnering with a team from Faithbridge out of Houston, Texas. They came with servant hearts to serve however they were needed and an eagerness to learn about the Salvadoran culture. They spent their project time helping...