Investing for a Lifetime

Some have often asked, “If you could only use one word to describe the ministry, what would it be?” We have pondered that question often and have always come back to “FAMILY.” We care for children in a family setting, and we work back with the biological family when...

Smooth Ride In

Bump. Bump. Whew . . . lean to the side, then the other. Up, down, sideways. If you have ever been to La Casa, you’ve experienced the kilometer bumpy ride along the dirt road to our property. What most do not know, the “road” is actually a river stream bed. It has an...

A Special Friend and Coach

Walking with children and families from hard places can be rewarding – but also challenging. There are days when everything seems to get flipped upside down, as if our brains can’t even process the reality of consequences that linger from past abuse, abandonment...