Seasons of Change

Seasons of Change

SEASONS OF CHANGE Seasons of change can be both exciting and stretching, and that is exactly where we find ourselves right now in La Casa. We have some of our adolescents turning 18 years old now, which means they no longer fall under protective care by the state....
It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

IT TAKES A VILLAGE The children run through the door as they return from afternoon classes — mind you eight of them. Some race to change clothes. Others want to crash on the sofa or chair just to disconnect a moment. Others want a snack — now! Homework and chores...

Culinary Arts Graduate

Graciela came to live in La Casa when she was just a small toddler. Her smile, beautiful big brown eyes and genuine warmth always drew others to her. She was very creative and always found a way to make something out of ordinary things around the home. She even made...

We Call It Home

Over the years, many have come through the doors of La Casa and been able to call it home for a season in their lives, some longer than others. Silvia and Daniela spent much of their childhood in our La Casa family and chose to be a part of the transition program once...


La Casa’s vision is to heal hearts, restore families and bring hope of a better future to children in crisis in El Salvador; creating agents of change for generations to come, all for the glory of God. This week we are taking a deeper look into “bringing hope.” Trauma...