by mfh_com | Nov 25, 2024 | CHILDREN, ENGLISH, HOME
DIFFERENT FUTURES FOR OUR FOUR GRADUATES Sitting amongst our staff and children, smiles began to spread across faces as our four graduates walked down the middle of the pavillion area. All dressed in their togas and graduation hats, they looked so grown up. We are so...
by mfh_com | Nov 12, 2024 | CHILDREN, ENGLISH, FAMILY, HOME
HELP US HELP THEM MOVE BEYOND TRAUMA Trauma – such as physical and emotional abuse or neglect, parental mental illness, or substance abuse, having a parent incarcerated, etc. – causes changes in the brain and the hormonal system. Trauma traps an individual in a...
by mfh_com | Sep 16, 2024 | ENGLISH, GOOD STORIES, HOME
COUNSELING TEAM – USING OUR TIME AND TALENTS TO BLESS OTHERS La Casa de mi Padre serves children from very difficult backgrounds. This implies that every child who is placed with us brings with them traumatic pasts that have changed their way of thinking about...
by mfh_com | Aug 13, 2024 | CHILDREN, ENGLISH, GOOD STORIES, HOME
A BIG IMPACT We ended July in a wonderful way partnering with a team from Faithbridge out of Houston, Texas. They came with servant hearts to serve however they were needed and an eagerness to learn about the Salvadoran culture. They spent their project time helping...
SEASONS OF CHANGE. PART 2 We shared with you in our last blog that seasons are changing in La Casa. As adolescents age out of protective care, space is created in our homes. As of the latest statistics we know, there are over 200 children awaiting longer term...