Learning is not Boring

Learning is not Boring

  LEARNING IS NOT BORING Everyone gathered in small groups around the picnic tables under the pavilion area. Cotton balls, toothpicks, skewers, paper and an egg rested in the middle of each table. The children were tasked with creating a structure that would...
2024 in Review

2024 in Review

2024 IN REVIEW As the new year approaches, we are excited to look back on 2024 and reflect on the many blessings we’ve received. We’d love to share with you all that has been accomplished this year, thanks to your prayers and support. God has been faithful,...
Celebrating Young Adulthood

Celebrating Young Adulthood

CELEBRATING YOUNG ADULTHOOD Two beautiful girls, wearing special dresses, made their way into the decorated pavillion area, each escorted by their housedads. It was a special day. Each year, we celebrate and honor those who have had fifteenth birthdays during the year...
A Big Impact 

A Big Impact 

A BIG IMPACT We ended July in a wonderful way partnering with a team from Faithbridge out of Houston, Texas. They came with servant hearts to serve however they were needed and an eagerness to learn about the Salvadoran culture. They spent their project time helping...
Seasons of Change. Part 2

Seasons of Change. Part 2

SEASONS OF CHANGE. PART 2 We shared with you in our last blog that seasons are changing in La Casa. As adolescents age out of protective care, space is created in our homes. As of the latest statistics we know, there are over 200 children awaiting longer term...