Celebrating Young Adulthood

Celebrating Young Adulthood

CELEBRATING YOUNG ADULTHOOD Two beautiful girls, wearing special dresses, made their way into the decorated pavillion area, each escorted by their housedads. It was a special day. Each year, we celebrate and honor those who have had fifteenth birthdays during the year...
Holidays and Family

Holidays and Family

“What word comes to mind when you think of the holidays?” When asked, the majority of people answer, “Family.” And as odd as it may seem, the children we serve within La Casa de mi Padre answer the same. They almost all say, “Time with family.” That is kind of odd...

Stepping Into a New Year

Entramos en el 2021 con esperanza. Esperanza porque Dios está con nosotros, ayudándonos a luchar en cualquier batalla en la que podamos entrar este año. Él ha demostrado ser fiel, siempre. Nos gustaría compartir unas palabras de Gary, nuestro Director Ejecutivo....