We Celebrate 19 Years This Week

This week La Casa de mi Padre is celebrating 19 years of ministry in El Salvador! If there is one thing that we have learned over and over, it is the absolute fact that God is faithful. Oh have there been moments and seasons when we have doubted? Times when we’ve seen...

Forever Changed

Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 9th in the US. In El Salvador, Mother’s Day is always celebrated on May 10th, regardless of the day on which that date falls on. We have many mothers who are a part of our ministry, and we are thankful for each one who has chosen to...

Smooth Ride In

Bump. Bump. Whew . . . lean to the side, then the other. Up, down, sideways. If you have ever been to La Casa, you’ve experienced the kilometer bumpy ride along the dirt road to our property. What most do not know, the “road” is actually a river stream bed. It has an...

Stay-Vacation Fun

After a great start to a new school year, our children had spring break last week. Still being under government restrictions where the children are not able to leave the property, our staff planned some stay- vacation fun. We experience the hottest temperatures of the...

Hope for Brighter Tomorrows

One of the most challenging, yet rewarding, aspects of La Casa de mi Padre ministry is working with the biological families of the children we serve. In the past few years, we have been called to serve 17 new children which brings numerous opportunities to reach out...

A Special Friend and Coach

Walking with children and families from hard places can be rewarding – but also challenging. There are days when everything seems to get flipped upside down, as if our brains can’t even process the reality of consequences that linger from past abuse, abandonment...