Smooth Ride In

Bump. Bump. Whew . . . lean to the side, then the other. Up, down, sideways. If you have ever been to La Casa, you’ve experienced the kilometer bumpy ride along the dirt road to our property. What most do not know, the “road” is actually a river stream bed. It has an...

Stepping Into a New Year

Entramos en el 2021 con esperanza. Esperanza porque Dios está con nosotros, ayudándonos a luchar en cualquier batalla en la que podamos entrar este año. Él ha demostrado ser fiel, siempre. Nos gustaría compartir unas palabras de Gary, nuestro Director Ejecutivo....

Stepping Into a New Year

We step into 2021 with hope. Hope because God is with us, helping us to fight any battle we may enter in this year. He has proved Himself faithful – always. We would like to share some words from Gary, our Executive Director.  Thank you for stepping into a new year...