Getting to Love Others

Getting to Love Others

GETTING TO LOVE OTHERS “To love God and to love others.” Jesus summarized the commandments with these words. Sounds pretty simple. But when loving others is not so easy, it often takes reflection on how God loved us despite our messes. And by loving God with our whole...

Stay-Vacation Fun

After a great start to a new school year, our children had spring break last week. Still being under government restrictions where the children are not able to leave the property, our staff planned some stay- vacation fun. We experience the hottest temperatures of the...

Stepping Into a New Year

We step into 2021 with hope. Hope because God is with us, helping us to fight any battle we may enter in this year. He has proved Himself faithful – always. We would like to share some words from Gary, our Executive Director.  Thank you for stepping into a new year...