
Excitement has been in our homes. School ended for the year and vacation mode has been in full swing. But that has not been the excitement builder as much as an anticipated Christmas Party. One of the ways God has shown His faithfulness to us over the years is the way...

We Are Grateful

What a fun journey it has been this year to look back and remanence over 20 years of God’s faithfulness. Time after time, He has shown His love, provision and presence in ways we could never have even imagined. He is a faithful God who will never leave you, never...

We Call It Home

Over the years, many have come through the doors of La Casa and been able to call it home for a season in their lives, some longer than others. Silvia and Daniela spent much of their childhood in our La Casa family and chose to be a part of the transition program once...

A Journey Down Memory Lane

Twenty years ago, when God placed it upon our hearts to take care of the children He had placed in our path, we knew we needed to honor that calling. We didn’t begin with a big strategic plan or even know how funding would come for the next month, but out of...