A Journey Down Memory Lane

Twenty years ago, when God placed it upon our hearts to take care of the children He had placed in our path, we knew we needed to honor that calling. We didn’t begin with a big strategic plan or even know how funding would come for the next month, but out of...


La Casa’s vision is to heal hearts, restore families and bring hope of a better future to children in crisis in El Salvador; creating agents of change for generations to come, all for the glory of God. This week we are taking a deeper look into “bringing hope.” Trauma...

Truly Enjoying Life

La Casa’s vision is to heal hearts, restore families and bring hope of a better future to children in crisis in El Salvador; creating agents of change for generations to come, all for the glory of God. What do we mean by healing hearts?  For us, it means a change in...

Walking With Families

As a part of the childcare system in El Salvador, we work closely with the courts. Children’s cases are currently reviewed every three months, so status can change frequently and even suddenly. Once a child is placed under our care, one of our goals is to identify any...