Community Service Hours
This past Saturday, our high schoolers headed out to visit with one of the widows in our community. They were going to help her with some cleaning, but more importantly, they were challenged with getting to know her.
A Mother’s Heart
This past Saturday, the mother of one of the girls, asked to be able to celebrate her daughter’s fifteenth birthday with everyone.
Culinary Arts Graduate
Join us celebrating Graciela’s hard work and focus. As well, pray for Graciela as she begins her first job. We are proud of you, Graciela!
Team Building
En los últimos años, hemos tenido muchos cambios en nuestra plantilla. El antaño sólido “equipo” ha tenido algunas sustituciones, y hemos sentido la necesidad de asegurar nuestro equipo de La Casa.
Team Building
The once solid “team” has had a few substitutions, and we have felt the need to sure up our La Casa Team.
School is in Session
Our new school year begins this week! It’s been a flurry of activity getting 24 children ready for a new year of learning these past few weeks, but we are ready and excited to be beginning our third year of on-site schooling.
New Year Greetings from the Heart
It’s 2023, and we at La Casa are excited to begin another year. Many have warned that this year could be very tough . . .
Year End Message
We want to share a Year End greeting from our Executive Director . . .
Excitement has been in our homes. School ended for the year and vacation mode has been in full swing. But that has not been the excitement builder as much as an anticipated Christmas Party.
We Are Grateful
What a fun journey it has been this year to look back and remanence over 20 years of God’s faithfulness. Time after time, He has shown His love, provision and presence in ways we could never have even imagined.