Involved Fathers

On June 17, we celebrate Father’s Day here in El Salvador. In La Casa, the father figure is a big deal. Approximately 80% of children in El Salvador live without a father present in the home. That percentage is even higher for the population we serve. Therefore, the...

Blessing the Equestrian Program

It has been fourteen months since we have been able to host a team – – – life with COVID. However, we were able to receive a team from GlobalX Ministries out of Atlanta, GA this month. They came with hearts to serve, and serve they did. Many on the...

Forever Changed

Mother’s Day is celebrated on May 9th in the US. In El Salvador, Mother’s Day is always celebrated on May 10th, regardless of the day on which that date falls on. We have many mothers who are a part of our ministry, and we are thankful for each one who has chosen to...

Let Your Light Shine

Does anyone remember singing “This Little Light of Mine” as a child? One of the lines say, “I’m gonna let it shine!” It’s a song with a catchy tune, so little ones sing it with boldness. Another line says, “I ain’t gonna let Satan puff it out, I’m gonna let it shine.”...