by mfh_com | May 16, 2023 | CHILDREN, ENGLISH, FAMILIES, HOME
Mothers were celebrated around the world this past week. In El Salvador, Mother’s Day is always on May 10th. In the United States, Mother’s Day is always celebrated the second Sunday in the month of May. It is a day set aside to honor mothers and the influence they...
by mfh_com | Apr 24, 2023 | CHILDREN, ENGLISH, GOOD STORIES, HOME
As our children grow, so does our school. We currently have 24 children in grades kindergarten through their last year in high school. Our students who are 14 and older participate in life planning courses. The first year includes many activities which are aimed at...
by mfh_com | Mar 7, 2023 | CHILDREN, ENGLISH, FAMILY, GOOD STORIES, HOME, Sin categorizar
We often talk about the children we serve, but we also serve any biological family members who want to walk towards restoration. Along with visiting families in their home, our “Family Program” includes family members visiting the children here on the farm the first...
Graciela came to live in La Casa when she was just a small toddler. Her smile, beautiful big brown eyes and genuine warmth always drew others to her. She was very creative and always found a way to make something out of ordinary things around the home. She even made...
by mfh_com | Feb 1, 2023 | ENGLISH, GOOD STORIES, HOME, La Finca
Crear un equipo fuerte es importante en cualquier lugar de trabajo. Un artículo de la página web Team Bonding define la formación de equipos como “el proceso de crear un equipo que trabaje cohesionadamente hacia un objetivo común”. Sin embargo, trabajar en...
by mfh_com | Feb 1, 2023 | ENGLISH, GOOD STORIES, HOME, La Finca
Building a strong team is important to any workplace. An article on TeamBonding website defines team building as “the process of creating a team that cohesively works together towards a common goal.” However, working on a “team” mentality takes intentionality. Over...