Getting to Love Others

Getting to Love Others

GETTING TO LOVE OTHERS “To love God and to love others.” Jesus summarized the commandments with these words. Sounds pretty simple. But when loving others is not so easy, it often takes reflection on how God loved us despite our messes. And by loving God with our whole...

Blessing the Equestrian Program

It has been fourteen months since we have been able to host a team – – – life with COVID. However, we were able to receive a team from GlobalX Ministries out of Atlanta, GA this month. They came with hearts to serve, and serve they did. Many on the...

Smooth Ride In

Bump. Bump. Whew . . . lean to the side, then the other. Up, down, sideways. If you have ever been to La Casa, you’ve experienced the kilometer bumpy ride along the dirt road to our property. What most do not know, the “road” is actually a river stream bed. It has an...