Our Counselors

Our Counselors

OUR COUNSELORS Learning is never just over and done with in life, is it? We are thankful for the many lessons we have learned over the years of caring for children and working back with their families who come from very hard places. We are also grateful for the mercy...
Getting to Love Others

Getting to Love Others

GETTING TO LOVE OTHERS “To love God and to love others.” Jesus summarized the commandments with these words. Sounds pretty simple. But when loving others is not so easy, it often takes reflection on how God loved us despite our messes. And by loving God with our whole...
Celebrating with Neighbors

Celebrating with Neighbors

When we were blessed to be able to purchase La Finca El Milagro property in 2005, we knew that getting to know our neighbors and learning to be good neighbors would be a priority in living in the community. The very first event held on the property was December of...
Holidays and Family

Holidays and Family

“What word comes to mind when you think of the holidays?” When asked, the majority of people answer, “Family.” And as odd as it may seem, the children we serve within La Casa de mi Padre answer the same. They almost all say, “Time with family.” That is kind of odd...