Year End Message
We want to share a Year End greeting from our Executive Director . . .
Excitement has been in our homes. School ended for the year and vacation mode has been in full swing. But that has not been the excitement builder as much as an anticipated Christmas Party.
We Are Grateful
What a fun journey it has been this year to look back and remanence over 20 years of God’s faithfulness. Time after time, He has shown His love, provision and presence in ways we could never have even imagined.
We Call It Home
Over the years, many have come through the doors of La Casa and been able to call it home for a season in their lives, some longer than others.
A Journey Down Memory Lane
Twenty years ago, when God placed it upon our hearts to take care of the children He had placed in our path, we knew we needed to honor that calling.
La Casa’s vision is to heal hearts, restore families and bring hope of a better future to children in crisis in El Salvador; creating agents of change for generations to come, all for the glory of God. This week we are taking a deeper look into “bringing hope.”
Walking Together on the Path of Healing
Our counseling program is an integral part of the healing process offered within La Casa for the children and families we serve.
Truly Enjoying Life
Listen to our Executive Director as he shares about a true story whereby a teenager is now able to say, “I actually enjoy life.”
Walking With Families
As a part of the childcare system in El Salvador, we work closely with the courts. Children’s cases are currently reviewed every three months, so status can change frequently and even suddenly.
God Directs Our Steps
One dream that we had, building an education center, seemed to die several years ago when it became so cumbersome and full of red tape to construct and run a school in El Salvador.